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Leaf Punch Grey


Regular Price: 7,95

Special Price 6,36

Set contains
Leaf Punch tool (Grey version)

Product Code: GSW069

Leaf Punch designed to create miniature leaves compatible with scales 1:35, 1:43, and 1:48 (54mm, 32mm, and 28mm). Can be used with various types of paper and other materials. This tool will make Maple, Red Maple, Sycamore and Poplar leaves.


1. Search for fallen natural leaves.

2. Let the leaves be dried, inside a book, to keep the colors.

3. Punch the natural leaves.

4. Use PVA glue to fix the leaves to your diorama.

Sharpen the blade by punching through aluminum foil or lubricate by punching through waxed paper.

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